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by fitshouranmu1979 2020. 2. 7. 21:48


  1. Moddb
GetWhite night amnesia custom story

(, 02:36 PM)Traggey Wrote: Just hit up google for 'Amnesia level editor' You'll easily find the tools. You do need to be somewhat familiar with angelscript to make a fully working custom story though.ok thanks I got those level editors and stuff, but how do I add textures and stuff like that? I have files of textues but they wont import(, 02:24 PM)SplitHeadProduction Wrote: if you wish for me to help you map oneadd me on Skype slipknotv3i have currently made CS in the past and i am working on one ATM but i will be able to help youthanksi dont have skype tho, but i do have facebook(, 02:46 PM)SilentStriker Wrote:thank you, plus do you know how to import texture files?


Destiny Revenant 1.04. This is a large custom story for Amnesia. It totals about 8 hours of gameplay and features 48 new maps and side quests as well. If you are looking to spend some more time with this game, this may be a great place to start.

Hi!I've tried Googling it, searching for YT tutorials, and I've browsed the forums but I haven't found an actual source to help me figure out how to install custom maps/stories for Amnesia. I play on a laptop that runs Windows 7 (64-bit, if that helps), and I bought the game through Steam.I've downloaded one map (Survival) and I've extracted it, but when I go to Amnesia's folder, I only have game saves and stuff, and if I go to the games folder in Steam, I only come across all the games I currently have installed.

I don't know where to plug in the download so I can play.I appreciate any help.